Annual Reports

The Rozmberk Society is a registered public benefit corporation (p.b.c.). As option under the law, the Society follows double-entry bookkeeping and voluntarily files tax returns. The Balans and Statement of Profit and Loss are parts of our annual tax return


Our tax year ends 31 December; and in general we receive automatic extension of the date of submission of our tax return to June 30 or July 31. The Annual Report and final financial details over a given year are, therefore, in general not available before July - September of the following year.



when reading our financial summary, please pay attention to the following. As a p.b.c., our main income is coming from grants and donations. A substantial part of those grants are funds from European Union (EU) transnational projects, specific EU funding programs, and Czech State sources (regional and national).

Unfortunately, these funding programs require part or full pre-financing and the final repayments, certainly with multinational EU projects, are paid to us up to 18-24 month AFTER project ending. These late payments force us to occasionally arrange loans to cover pre-financing.


The loans and late reimbursements can distort our financial balance, showing a negative balance over specific years.


Select a year to download the Annual Report



The Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss statements can be downloaded here








This page was updated July 10, 2020

